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С уважением, Светлана Дмитриевна.

четверг, 14 марта 2019 г.

Spotlight 11 M6 "Pros and cons"

Read the statement and decide your own opinion.

"All children should learn foreign languages from a young age."

 Write down in comment three arguments with the examples.

 Begin with: "Personally I think... " or "In my opinion, .." Write 60-80 words.

2 комментария:

  1. Кантеева
    Personally I think all children must learn to understand different languages from birth.The thing that needs to be said children learn much faster and better than adults. This has long been an established fact.In addition to the sooner you understand a language, the more opportunities open to you. More communication, more knowledge. What is more on a trip anywhere, knowledge of a foreign language will only make it better. Suddenly you get lost? Knowledge of the language will help you.

  2. Шорникова
    Personally, I think that children should learn English from a young age. Firstly, in childhood, children are very inquisitive and curious, so it will be easier for them to learn English. They will enjoy it. Secondly, it will be much easier for them to learn English at school. It will also help them in knowing the culture of other countries, developing their thinking. This may also be needed in the future. For example, travel or work.
